
Martinist Video Resources

Introduction to the Traditional Martinist Order

The Traditional Martinist Order is an Initiatic Order rooted within the Western Esoteric Tradition. The foundation of the Martinist teachings comes from the writings of Louis Claude de Saint-Martin and his teachers Martinez de Pasqually and Jacob Boehme.

The Traditional Martinist Order

In this video, three long time members of the Traditional Martinist Order (TMO), Grand Master Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, and Michael Shaluly, share some of their experiences in the Martinist Order, both as home study members and as members of their local Martinist groups.

In the Words of Saint-Martin

For students of the Western Tradition, Louis Claude de Saint-Martin, who wrote under the pseudonym "The Unknown Philosopher," is one of the most profound and illumined mystical philosophers available to the student. His words reach deep into the head and the heart. While much can be said about him, there is little more powerful than his words, some of which are explored in this video.

Martinism from its Origins to the Present Day

Meet some of the most inspiring individuals associated with Martinism, including Jacob Boehme, Martines de Pasqually, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, and Gerard Encausse, MD (Papus) on this fascinating journey through the history of the Traditional Martinist Order.

Kabbalah and Martinism

Kabbalah is an important aspect of the teachings of the Traditional Martinist Order. This video introduces Kabbalah and its texts as well as its connections to the Martinism of the late 1800s to today.

Delving Into the Folds of Our Hearts

From generations of explorers of our world and consciousness, a common directive has made its way to us: Know thyself! Stated in many ways, the inference is that the search for knowledge of “self” should be our greatest work here on Earth. This work is challenging in many ways, for it speaks a different language, but it is this inner seeking that will guide us to a sublime awareness of our nature.

Martinist Lessons

Illuminating a Rosicrucian Digest article by Julian Johnson, SI, this video explores some of the fundamental lessons of Martinism for the mystical aspirant, from the Alchemy of Illumined Thought to the concept of the Middle Pillar. For the original article, click here -

The Central Uncreated Fire Axis

Longtime Martinist Michael Shaluly discusses the meaning of the Central Uncreated Fire Axis, ​which is an important concept in the Traditional Martinist Order. This phrase elicits imagery of our consciousness continually becoming through the presence of an ever-burning and transformative fire.

The 231 Gates

Join Julie Scott, Grand Master of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC and the Traditional Martinist Order, in experiencing this Kabbalistic meditation from the Sepher Yetzirah - the Book of Creation.

The 231 Gates

Le Martinisme, une voie initiatique

The Traditional Martinist Order is an Initiatic Order rooted within the Western Esoteric Tradition. The foundation of the Martinist teachings come from the writings of Louis Claude de Saint-Martin and his teachers Martinez de Pasqually and Jacob Boehme.

Révélation et nouvelle naissance, aspect de la doctrine de Lou

Dans cette vidéo, François Baillet évoque un point particulier de la doctrine du Philosophe Inconnu. Le thème de la « révélation et nouvelle naissance », occupe en effet une place particulière dans la philosophe de Louis Claude de Saint-Martin et c'est ce point qu'évoque cette vidéo de vingt-cinq minutes.

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“We cannot produce a thought, a word, an act, which is not imprinted on the eternal mirror on which everything is engraved, and from which nothing is ever effaced.”

–Louis Claude de Saint Martin